Minden ami Justin Bieber!

Ezen az oldalon csak Justin Bieber fanoknak van hely vagyis aki utálja az ne jöjjön ide!


Ohh Ohh Ohh .. and I pray

I just can’t sleep tonight
Knowing that things ain’t right
It’s in the papers, it’s on the tv, it’s everywhere that I go
Children are crying
Soldiers are dying
Some people don't have a home

But I know there's sunshine behind that rain
I know there's good times behind that pain, hey
Can you tell me how I can make a change

I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray

I lose my appetite, knowing kids starve tonight
And when I sit up, cause my dinner is still on my plate
Ooo I got a vision, to make a difference
And it’s starting today

Cause I know there's sunshine behind that rain
I know there's good times behind that pain, hey
Haven`t tell me how I can make a change

I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and

For the broken-hearted
I pray for the life not started
I pray for all the ones not breathing
I pray for all the souls in need
I pray
Can you give ’em one today

I just cant sleep tonight
Can someone tell how to make a change?

I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and I pray

I pray
I pray

I close my eyes and pray

Weblap látogatottság számláló:

Mai: 24
Tegnapi: 3
Heti: 33
Havi: 71
Össz.: 73 389

Látogatottság növelés
Oldal: Pray dalszövege
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